Willie Thorne is the current World Seniors Snooker Champion. His playing career has been showered with success, with a total of 14 tournament victories worldwide. “The Great WT”, as he is affectionately known, was a regular in the Top 16 World Ranking players for well over a decade. Willie is the World Record holder of the highest number of 147 breaks in the history of snooker (190) earning him the nickname “Mr Maximum”. However, first and foremost Willie has established himself as one of the great characters of the game for over twenty-five years.
“Mr Maximum” is well known as a TV Celebrity with numerous appearances including Wogan, Big Break, Noel’s House Party, You Bet, Question of Sport, They Think Its All Over, Sporting Triangles, Des O’Connor, The Salon, Breakfast TV, Fantasy Football and Through the Keyhole, to name a few.
Willie also hosted 16 shows for Sky TV called Cue Masters. Willie is now a TV commentator for all major snooker championships, on Sky TV, ITV and BBC, maintaining his status as a household name.
Willie is available on a strictly limited number of dates in 2008 to visit snooker centres across Europe to undertake personal appearances for:
* Snooker Masterclass: Demonstrating why he is still number one of the best in the game, with his magical mixture of trick shots and comedy.
* After Dinner Speaker: Willie has an array of humorous stories, from more than 25 years as a true character of professional sport, and is a brilliant speaker for sports lunches/dinners, your charity dinner or Presentation Night.
Or, why not maximise your use of talents by holding an all-day event – snooker masterclass and exhibition during the day, with a dinner in the evening (maybe as a fundraiser for your favourite charity - work with us to identify a local charity or good cause and we can create some exciting fundraising during the event which will reflect well on the club and its management and staff team / showing the club as a good community neighbour)
To book Willie, please contact
john@headlinemanagement.co.uk or 07771 575 654.