Award Winning Comedian Don Barnhart's comedy combines clever, witty, off-the-wall observations with an upbeat, fast paced, improvisational style.
He goes from hiphop to the corporate world without missing a beat keeping audiences of all ages howling with laughter and coming back for more.
Er................................ and he has appointed Headline Management to represent him in the UK and across Europe to trailblaze for him as he plans his 2008 Tours this side of the pond!
A resident of Las Vegas, DON BARNHART JR is an award winning comedian, author and filmmaker.
He is the 2007 winner of the American Idol Underground's Big Push 2 Comedy Contest and recently wrote, directed and stars in the independent film, "China Dolls".
He is also a contributing author on the book , "I Killed: True Stories of the Road from America's Top Comics".Don can be heard regularly on The Bob & Tom Show, XM and Sirius and was seen frequently on MTV, Friday Night and An Evening at The Improv.
Don is a regular headliner at the top comedy clubs across the country like The Improv and Punchlines.
Don also tours regularly for The USO and Comics On Duty entertaining the troops around the world. He has also been a guest speaker for such top corporate clients as DARE, Prudential, PartyPoker.Com and Alanon.
A graduate of the infamous Second City Conservatory Program in Los Angeles, Don has written, produced and directed several sketch shows and comedy DVD's along with writing several original sit-coms and feature films.
For more information on Don Barnhart Jr, please be sure to check out his many websites below.

The Click Click Club - DVD
Trailer Trash - CD
China Dolls - Feature Film
The De-Evolution of Man - DVD
Fresh Outta Afghanistan - CD
Check Don out at:
Don Barnhart's Website
Don Barnhart on MySpace
Don Barnhart's Company - Chucklehut Entertainment
Don Barnhart's Feature Film - China Dolls
Venues wishing to book Don during 2008 are invited to contact astrid@headlinemanagement.co.uk