Formed in the late 90's, Elmos now established line-up have continued to grow the bands popularity through their music and professionalism all over the UK.
Elmo have supported some massive acts, playing to over 30,000 people in 2005 at Big in Falkirk. They have supported the likes of the Crash Test Dummies, JJ72 and M People and continue in the strive for excellence.
They are regarded by many in Scotland as the band that is most likely to break. Elmo do not follow trends and their style has developed over time to what you hear now - massive melody infused songs that inspire the imagination.
Elmo recently supported INXS at the SECC. They were picked from thousands of live acts by Kirk himself as the band that they wanted to support them.
Booking enquiries to astrid@headlinemanagement.co.uk please.

To learn more about the future of rock, visit Elmo's website: http://www.myspace.com/elmofromglasgow