Steve Wood featured in EAA journal

Following world record breaking aviator Steve Wood’s confirmation from the Federation Aeronautique Internationale (FAI) that he set a total of 29 world speed records in his GlaStar, during the second "four corners" flight around America in 2007 media coverage has been secured around the globe.
That achievement breaks the record for the most FAI world records ever made in a U.S.-registered homebuilt aircraft, exceeding Bruce Bohannon's 28 achieved in his modified RV-4, the Flying Tiger. Steve, whose airplane is affectionately known as GOOFY (N-600FY), flew his first four corners flight in 2005 and continues to set new records.
Headline Management issued a press release announcing the FAI recognition. This was picked up by a whole host of media but Steve was particularly pleased that the US’s premiere aircraft association’s magazine, the EAA featured him in this month’s issue.
Steve is represented in Europe by Headline Management of Basingstoke, England
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